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Institut du Monde Arabe

Institut du Monde Arabe

Brand design / Communications
Duration of the project: 3 months – Delivery: February 2013
Le théorème de Néfertiti exhibition, from April 23rd to September 8th 2013
Lumière invisible exhibition, from April 10th to July 7th 2013

Creating an image, an exhibition image, requires some time.

The time to understand the themes of the exhibition, the objectives sought by those who designed it, the history of the setting, and the time to better know the visitors, their attitudes, their areas of interests, their lifestyle, as well as a certain type of empathy towards those who are non concerned and for whom a poster, a word will be an invitation to discovery.

The role of the designer is like a trigger: the one who will head off the beaten path, gain a different and innovating insight and know how to get a wider perspective on usage.

Everything goes public, and the role of the designer is essential: it goes beyond the reading process / titles, dates and place /. Through colors, shapes, balances, breaths and typos, the designer seeks to set some invitations to discovery and time - the time to travel, study, analyze and synthesize gives the designer the necessary elements to gain this transverse insight that goes beyond the information alone and triggers curiosity and desire.